I have a bit of a chicken & egg problem:
Assume I have a top level directory for all my Rails projects. Each
might be using a different version of Ruby and Rails.
How do I run a “rails new foo” with the correct ruby version and gemset?
Is there some sort of cmd line argument I can use?
rvm use version@gemset
Am 19.04.2015 03:06 schrieb “jmcguckin” [email protected]:
You could also create a custom .rvmrc file for each project folder, in
which you could specify the ruby version and gemset to use (or create if
doesn’t exist’).
[image: --]
Antonio Augusto
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Antonio Augusto - Algar Telecom, Vivo, TIM, Claro, COMCEL, Teltools Tecnologia, BS in CompSci | about.me] http://about.me/aaugusto
2015-04-19 4:05 GMT-03:00 Norbert M. [email protected]:
On Sunday, April 19, 2015 at 2:06:08 AM UTC+1, jmcguckin wrote:
How do I run a “rails new foo” with the correct ruby version and gemset?
Is there some sort of cmd line argument I can use?
rails 4.1.10 new
Should invoke that version of the rails executable (this is a rubygems
thing - it should work with any executable provided by a gem.
I always begin new rails projects by first creating the project
$ mkdir foo
$ cd foo/
Once in the directory I make a .ruby-version and .ruby-gemset file
$foo/ touch .ruby-version .ruby-gemset
In the ruby-version file you just specify the version of ruby you wish
and the ruby-gemset file you name the gemset you’d like to use
Once you have those saved you can reload the current directory by
$foo/ cd .
Then just rails new . and then bundle install