Scoped Controller to URL Mapping (namespace?)

$ ruby script/generate controller NewAccount::Business
$ ruby script/generate controller NewAccount::Personal
$ ruby script/generate controller NewAccount

This doesn’t work because the NewAccountController class gets all the
incoming requests (URLs prefixed with “new_account”). What I would like
is a conventional way for the following URLs to work without using

Call index action in NewAccountController:

Call index action in NewAccount::BusinessController:

Call index action in NewAccount::PersonalController:

What I would like to have happen is have the NewAccountController
render a page with links to the scoped controllers, ie.
NewAccount::[Business|Personal]Controller. Basically, the URL at
/new_account will give an overview of the Personal and Business
accounts and provide links to each controller’s index action.

It seems like there may be a better way. Any help is much appreciated.



clintpachl wrote:
/new_account will give an overview of the Personal and Business
accounts and provide links to each controller’s index action.

It seems like there may be a better way. Any help is much appreciated.


The easiest way to do this is probably to create new controllers
normally for Business and Personal and set up routes to make them
function hierarchically. For instance, you might say:

map.connect ‘new_account/business/:action/:id’, :controller =>
map.connect ‘new_account/personal/:action/:id’, :controller =>

Alternately, you could write a method has_children that you call in
NewAccountController, that takes the names of the child controllers and
dynamically generates methods that will render the correct pages.
