Script/generate works fine as root, but not as -me-

$ script/generate Scaffold Product Admin
Cannot find gem for Rails =1.1.2:
Install the missing gem with ‘gem install -v=1.1.2 rails’, or
change environment.rb to define RAILS_GEM_VERSION with your desired

$ rails -v
Rails 1.1.2

$ echo ‘wtf?’

The above is what I get when I run script/generate as me, my normal user
(MacOS X). When I su - and run script/generate everything works fine.

Any ideas why this is happening? Should I bother with fixing this and
just continue developing as root? I plan on deploying to a shared
hosting environment eventually…



Try inside your app:
sudo chown -R YourUserLogin *

Do you have vendor/rails in your app?

On 6/15/06, will willis [email protected] wrote:


[email protected]