I was wondering if I could get some help with a few questions I have
that I have yet to find answers for:
Is there a way to stop transmission only after transmitting the
complete waveform? Let me elaborate. I specify a wave into a vector
source. I want to repeat transmission of this source until I tell it to
stop, however, I want it to complete the transmission of that source
before it ceases when I call Stop(). -
Is there a method established already for seamlessly switching
vector sources without ceasing transmission. If I pre-specify a new
vector source, can I switch between the old and new without stopping,
disconnecting old source, connecting new source, and restarting the
flowgraph. I get about a .5 second delay (which I would like to
mitigate as much as possible) between the end of the old source and the
beginning of the new one.
This problem, however, seems less harmful than being able to complete
the waveform(question 1) before stopping.