Does anyone have links to any complete Selenium docs or tutorial?
I have Selenium 1.0.9 installed (OS X, Leopard), the proxy server
appears to launch ok, and got the test to reach:
@browser =“localhost”, 4444,
“*firefox”, “”, 15000)
this method has no documentation as far as I can tell (or comments in
the source).
I got it to launch firefox (which has Selenium IDE), but then it just
Have you checked out the Railscasts Selenium episode?
shenry wrote:
Have you checked out the Railscasts Selenium episode?
I did, thanks for the reference - that’s for selenium on rails, which is
a plugin (I have to admit I am a bit lost on which gem or plugin or ? is
the preferred style these days for selenium). This plugin does not use
selenium rc…the cast shows primary how to record a simple linear test
from Firefox.
My problem is that I need a programatic setup that launches multiple
browers (scalability test) and manipulates each in turn.