after upgrading Rails from 2.2.2 to 2.3.3 I realized that the handling
of request parameters has been changed regarding semicolons (that might
be due to the now integrated Rack interface). The following request
in Rails 2.2.2. However, in Rails 2.3.3, the result is this:
Parameters: {“hallo”=>“1”, “2”=>nil}
My application receives ICS (i.e. iCal) plain text containing semicolons
wrapped inside a POST request, so in my case a semicolon is not meant
to separate different parameters. How can I restore the previous
behaviour in Rails 2.3?
This may be more of a question for a Rack list, as that’s what’s doing
the parsing. However, I’d note that the only two incoming encodings
that the parameter parser supports are application/x-www-form-
urlencoded (which requires escaped semicolons) and multipart/form-
data. You might have more luck getting ahold of the unparsed POST body
from Rack::Request and handling it yourself.
–Matt J.
On Aug 13, 5:45 pm, “Florian j. Breunig” <rails-mailing-l…@andreas-
I see. The encoding of my incoming request is supposed to be
“multipart/form-data”, which does not require escaped semicolons. The
incorrect request encoding has never been much of an issue for me until
the recent Rails upgrade.
BTW this implies that the “-d” curl parameter mentioned above must be
replaced by “-F”.
Thank you for your help.
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