Many people have already discussed “” and I read
those threads but unfortunately it didnt solve my problem and didnt help
to understand the file completely, I have two questions in this file and
will be thankful if some one can help me.
First, what is in
First, what the following piece of code is doing??? Is it converting
to power in dB?? If not please help me to find how this code can be
so that I get power dB at any given center frequency.
power = 0
for tap in mywindow:
power += tap*tap
c2mag = gr.complex_to_mag_squared(self.fft_size)
# FIXME the log10 primitive is dog slow
log = gr.nlog10_ff(10, self.fft_size,
It sure looks like it’s calculating power in dB with all those
log10’s. A quick Googling led me here for a discussion on FIR filters
and normalization:
Especially why this factor
“20math.log10(self.fft_size)-10math.log10(power/self.fft_size)” is
moreover nlog10_ff block actually computes → n*log10(input) + k, can
someone explain what this k is doing and how can we compare this
formulae to
traditional dB formulae i.e. 10log(input), or 20log(input).
Best Regards
Brian P. wrote:
those threads but unfortunately it didnt solve my problem and didnt help
so that I get power dB at any given center frequency.
Especially why this factor
“20math.log10(self.fft_size)-10math.log10(power/self.fft_size)” is used???
The loop is calculating the gain of the window and subtracting to
maintain unity.
moreover nlog10_ff block actually computes → n*log10(input) + k, can
someone explain what this k is doing and how can we compare this formulae to
traditional dB formulae i.e. 10log(input), or 20log(input).
I haven’t read the code, but I suspect it’s for situations as stated
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