Hi, I have a Rails 3 application. I want to save multiple values in a
filed. But when i save I have this error in the field
— !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess\nit: Padova\nde:
this is my html
My params
“person”=>{“birthplace”=>{“it”=>“Padova”, “de”=>“Padovan”}},
“commit”=>“Create Person”, “action”=>“create”, “controller”=>“people”}
I have another application where the data is save in this format for
—\nit: Padova\nde: Padovan\n
and i don’t have any error.
If i put in the model
serialize :birthplace, Hash
is correct but i have a diffrent format {:it=>“Padova”,:de=>“Padovan”}
I read in the last part of this document
that Yaml is the default serialization and generate a string —\n…
Any ideas?