I’m pretty sure this has probably been discussed before.
I’m using couchdb (couchrest_model)
When speccing my controller i want to set expectations that im calling
my couch views correctly.
The query interface has recently been updated to work very similar to
I could use stub_chain, but that doesn’t allow me to check the params
being passes to the calls other than the last.
I could also create a wrapper method on my Exam model that is called
from the controller with hash params,
however that just shifts the problem, I then have to check the
expections in the model spec instead.
Suggestions on how best to go about that would be appreciated.
On Tue, Nov 08, 2011 at 12:36:22AM +0000, Justin Ko wrote:
I’m using couchdb (couchrest_model)
I set an expectation on that easily like so:
I could also create a wrapper method on my Exam model that is called from
the controller with hash params, http://rubyforge.org/mailman/listinfo/rspec-users
Heh, that’s magic.
So maybe it’s just better to create the documents in couch…
I’m happy to do that, I just figured it would drastically effect
performance of the tests.
The query interface has recently been updated to work very similar to ARel
with(:startkey => [@exam1.created_at],:endkey => [‘0’],:limit => 2).
Suggestions on how best to go about that would be appreciated.
double(‘startkey’).tap {|startkey|
LOL, this is the ugliest code I’ve written all year. You’d might want to use
variables for readability:
…or even wrap this Exam thing in an abstraction layer? Can anyone else hear
the tests screaming?
Personally, I wouldn’t mock this code at all. It’s a data retrieval
method, let it hit CouchDB (abstracted or not).
Heh, that’s magic.
So maybe it’s just better to create the documents in couch…
I’m happy to do that, I just figured it would drastically effect performance of
the tests.
Create the docs and test it in Isolation. If you’re worried about
performance, mock the abstracted method everywhere else.
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