Setting JRuby Opts

How can I set JRUBY_OPTS using rvm in a after_use hook? When I installed
jruby using rvm a ‘after_use_jruby’ script was automatically created, do
I modify this script or create another? Thanks.


On 17/12/2011, at 8:43 AM, Dan K. wrote:

How can I set JRUBY_OPTS using rvm in a after_use hook?

I just set it in my global environment variables. Gives much less

Especially when some of the Ruby processes re-launch themselves
resulting in env variables to be reset.
Setting JRUBY_OPTS in your .bashrc/.profile/dorWhatever will ensure that
JRUBY_OPTIONS are always consistent.

But of course it’s also troublesome if you need to run it with different
set of options.