Hi Guys,
I’m writing some controller tests in rspec and one of them needs a
to be set. Does anyone know how to set a session in rails tests?
Hi Guys,
I’m writing some controller tests in rspec and one of them needs a
to be set. Does anyone know how to set a session in rails tests?
If it is a normal controller or non-Webkit test, you can access the
controller variable directly (I think with @controller), so you can just
set session vars directly like:
@controller.session[:current_user] = @my_user
If you are writing a capybara webkit test, you don’t have direct access
to the same ruby environment where the session runs, but you can use
this excellent gem to access it:
If you’re using devise, there’s patterns for doing this both in and out
of webkit. Checkout this for an explanation:
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Hello muchira,
Are you using devise gem for login ?
On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 12:22 PM, bertly_the_coder removed_email_address@domain.invalid
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