Shared hosting for mephisto blog + git/svn

I’ve been running my blog and git/svn repos on Slicehost for a while
now, and haven’t had any problems. However at this point any time
spent managing the server is time wasted - I’ve just got a ton of
stuff to do. I want to move all my stuff over to a shared host so
that I don’t have to do any management at all.

Here’s what I need:

  • Rails (duh). I’m just running a mephisto blog that nobody reads.
  • Mail forwarding. I’ve got a couple old email addresses that still
    get lots of mail, I just need them forwarded to my gmail address
  • git & svn hosting

That’s about it. Super low traffic, I just need a place to stash my
stuff. I don’t particularly care about price as long as it’s
hassle-free and reliable. Of course, it’s just a blog, so please
nobody suggest redundant engineyard slices :slight_smile:
