Should_raise ain't workin' with the `spec` command

Hello my fellow RSpeckers,

I am using the spec command like this:

            spec tokyo_record_spec.rb

And the for some reason the should_raise Rspec command is not
happening with my lambda block:

it "should raise a NoSuchAttribute error if the attribute 'name'

hasn’t been declared yet and you try to create a persisted instance of
the object." do
lambda {
User.create( :name => ‘Dustin’)
}. should_raise( NoSuchAttribute )

Here is the error:

undefined method `should_raise’ for #<Proc:0x006fc7a0@./

I’m not sure how the spec command actually works, and I’m sure
that’s at least one source of my confusion. Also, I don’t know where
should_raise is defined either. If anybody could help me clear the
clouds in my brain, I would greatly appreciate it. Please point me in
a sunnier direction.

This is straight Ruby code. It has nothing to do with Rails. My
directory structure looks something like this:


And at the top of /tokyo/tokyo_record_spec.rb I have only require
‘tokyo_record’ which is a homemade Ruby module that I’m trying to spec
with RSpec.

I am running gem version 1.2.0, RSpec 1.1.9 and hoe 1.8.0 on OS X

Thank you,
David :slight_smile:

On 8 Nov 2008, at 06:29, David B. wrote:

hasn’t been declared yet and you try to create a persisted instance of
Okay the the first obvious problem is you’ve got the syntax wrong for
asserting an exception. And you wouldn’t be the first - I keep
forgetting this myself as I don’t do it very often.

Try this instead:
lamda { do_bad_stuff }.should raise_error

Also, are you calling require ‘spec’ at the top of your spec file?
That’s what will ensure that the Proc object is patched with a #should

I’m not sure how the spec command actually works, and I’m sure
that’s at least one source of my confusion. Also, I don’t know where
should_raise is defined either. If anybody could help me clear the
clouds in my brain, I would greatly appreciate it. Please point me in
a sunnier direction.

You can use ruby tokyo_record_spec.rb or spec tokyo_record_spec.rb at
the command line to run your specs - both are valid, but spec will
give you some more options to format your output in different ways
etc. that start to become more useful as you write more specs. For now
it might feel simpler to just call your specs using the ruby command.

This is straight Ruby code. It has nothing to do with Rails. My
directory structure looks something like this:


And at the top of /tokyo/tokyo_record_spec.rb I have only require
‘tokyo_record’ which is a homemade Ruby module that I’m trying to spec
with RSpec.

It’s pretty conventional to use a spec_helper.rb file somewhere that
you just always require at the top of each spec file. That gives you
an extensibility point if you want to do any global setup of your test
environment that has to run before each set of spec. Also most people
seem to keep their specs in a separate ‘spec’ directory. If you want
to use tools like RSpactor you’d need to stick to this convention (for
now at least).

It might be worth creating a vanilla rails project, adding the rspec-
rails gem, and running ‘script/generate rspec’ in there just to see
how it’s done - the examples are pretty good and give you a good idea
of the conventions other people are using.


awesome. thank you. that helps a lot.
David :wink:

I’m feeling pretty hip now with:

spec -O spec/spec.opts spec/tokyo_record_spec.rb

David :slight_smile:

I am feeling pretty hip with:

spec -O spec/spec.opts spec/tokyo_record_spec.rb

D :slight_smile: