Simple cipher solver, finding all possible key combinations

I am trying to find every possible combination of the letters of the
alphabet to create a file by a program to solve simple replacement
ciphers. There shouldn’t be any repeats of letters in the combination
(i.e. a can only occur once in a given combination).

I had thought of using the code below to get every possible combination
and, even though it contains duplicate letters in the combinations it
generates, I was going to prune those out. The problem is that it would
take a very considerable number of years before the program finishes.
Anyone know of an algorithm that I could use to generate the
possibilities in a more timely manner?

class Value
def initialize val=‘a’
@value = val

def == rhs
if rhs.class != self.class
return false

rhs.value == self.value


def next
if @value == ‘z’
@value =

def reset
@value = ‘a’

def value


class Set
def initialize
@buffer = []
26.times {@buffer <<}

def value

temp = []

@buffer.each{|a| temp << a.value}



def exausted?
@buffer.each do |a|
if a.value != ‘z’
return false
return true

def next
cursor = 1

while true
  if @buffer.last(cursor)[0].value == 'z'

    cursor += 1





s =
f = open “sets.out”,‘w’

f << s.value

while s.exausted? == false
f << << “\n”

This is actually a timely question; I was about to start working on the

I’m a Ruby nuby, and as practice I decided that my first project would
be a
suite of old school cryptography encryption/decryption software. (Later
be web-ified with Rails so anyone can use it on the web)

So this isn’t exactly an answer to your question, but it is a way to
optimize your decryption:

Substitution cyphers are easiest to solve with a frequency analysis.
most common letters in the English language are ‘E’ ‘T’ and ‘A’ in that
order) Of course, the utility of this method increases with the length
the cyphertext, so it may not be useful for very short (one word)
but is very useful for longer blocks of text (two or three sentences or

Rather than computing all possible cyphers every time, you could make
calculation dependent on a frequency analysis. So you count the number
times each letter appears in the cyphertext, then try substituting the
letter that corresponds to the frequency. It is possible you may have
run through several dozen combinations before you hit on the right one,
it should be much faster than just calculating every single possible
combination. Rather than a random assignment of letter combinations,
make the choice of combinations dependent on the frequency analysis. It
will require user input each time (puts ‘Does this make sense? (y/n)’)
order to determine if the decryption actually worked (unless you’re
going to
include a syntax library to check it against, and if you do that, please
tell me how you do it!). I hope eventually to allow the user to adjust
frequency analysis themselves, because the human brain can spot patterns
that pure statistics can’t. . .but that’s a little more complicated.

I wish I had some code for you, but like I said, I was just about to
working on this myself. On the other hand, if you want some Ruby code
substitution ENcryption, I’m putting the finishing touches on that right
now. Sorry I’m not faster, but I’m learning Ruby in between raising a
toddler, gestating a new kid, and trying to get into law school :wink:

Hit me up on AIM if you want to talk about old school cryptography. I’m
much of a Ruby coder yet, but I know a lot about old school cryptography

Jamie Lynn
AKA greymaiden

Right, probably should have told you my AIM name if I asked you to talk
me there. I’m LastGreyMaiden on AIM. greymaiden on GoogleChat.

Braaaaaiiiiinsss. . . .sigh.

It sounds to me like you are wanting to break Vigenere’s Cypher.

There are several ways to do it although it sounds like you are going
the most painful. Here is a description of Vigenere:

You really do want to perform a frequency alanysis to break something

I don’t have my crypto book in front of me but their table looks pretty

On 8/10/07, Aric C. [email protected] wrote:

combinations. It’s more of a "I feel like I’m missing something obvious and

but is very useful for longer blocks of text (two or three sentences or


rhs.value == self.value

def reset

temp = []

f = open “sets.out”,‘w’

Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join Yahoo!'s user
panel and lay it on us.

“Hey brother Christian with your high and mighty errand, Your actions
so loud, I can’t hear a word you’re saying.”

-Greg Graffin (Bad Religion)

Aric C. wrote:

I had thought of using the code below to get every possible combination
and, even though it contains duplicate letters in the combinations it
generates, I was going to prune those out. The problem is that it would
take a very considerable number of years before the program finishes.
Anyone know of an algorithm that I could use to generate the
possibilities in a more timely manner?

Well, you could try more than just the most common letters strategy.
What you really want to do is reduce the number of possibilities. There
are a limited number of legitimate one and two character words. You
could start with them and see if things add up elsewhere with those
letters assigned.

Check the recent Ruby puzzle for finding crosswords. Interestingly enough, there were a
good many groovy approaches but the one listed in this link reference a
widget made by google which is made for finding words like this. It
seems highly optimized and could help you out.

On Aug 10, 2007, at 1:04 PM, Lloyd L. wrote:

Well, you could try more than just the most common letters strategy.
What you really want to do is reduce the number of possibilities.
are a limited number of legitimate one and two character words. You
could start with them and see if things add up elsewhere with those
letters assigned.

Check the recent Ruby puzzle for finding crosswords.

We had an older quiz that was even closer to this problem:

James Edward G. II

I don’t have AIM but I do have GoogleChat.

I will have to look into the frequency analysis angle. It wouldn’t be
too hard to analyze a few works of fiction form project Gutenberg and
then use the results to make suggestions for substitutions. I’m guessing
that if spaces are included in the cipher text you could also suggest
‘i’ and ‘a’ for single characters and other optimizations like that.

I’m still curious whether there is a way to find all possible
combinations. It’s more of a “I feel like I’m missing something obvious
and want to know what it is” kind of curiosity. I suppose I could ask on
a math forum as well. My method simply isn’t practical. There would be
6,156,119,580,207,157,310,796,674,288,400,203,776 iterations in my
program before I even got to pruning the results.

Jamie Lynn O’Marr [email protected] wrote: Right, probably should
have told you my AIM name if I asked you to talk to
me there. I’m LastGreyMaiden on AIM. greymaiden on GoogleChat.

Braaaaaiiiiinsss. . . .sigh.