Hi Becky –
On 13-Jul-06, at 4:14 AM, Becky F. wrote:
Hi, I’m quite new to this language and I’m having trouble finding out
simple things like a dropdown menu in rhtml. I know I have to use <%
select_tag %> but I’ve read lots of different ways to put in the
so I’m a bit confused. Options are hard-coded for the menu I’m
trying to
create so no database is involved!
You can do it one of two ways: supply a string of option tags as the
second argument to select_tag, or use the options_for_select helper
to generate the option tags for you. Here’s an example of the former.
select_tag ‘categories’, ‘RubyRails’
That’s pretty ghetto, though, what with all those option tags; you
should use the options_for_select helper instead, passing in your
options as an array:
select_tag ‘categories’, options_for_select([‘Ruby’, ‘Rails’])
Or, assuming you want ‘values’ for each of your options, pass in Hash
who’s keys are the names of the options and who’s values are the
value attributes:
select_tag ‘categories’, options_for_select({‘Ruby’ => ‘1’, ‘Rails’
=> ‘2’})
If you want to pre-select a certain option, the second argument to
options_for_select is the cheese:
select_tag ‘categories’, options_for_select({‘Ruby’ => ‘1’, ‘Rails’
=> ‘2’}, ‘1’)
The final example would output something like: