Simple methods with parameters

Is the token in the below and attached code serving as a secondary means
to ensure all values are the same? Meaning, it doesn’t matter what the
values are,
as long as they are all the same? If not, what is it’s purpose and how
would I do what I described?

Sorry, I’m very new to this and this is (a portion) of the first piece
I’ve ever written. Thank you!!

def player_winner?(box, token)

if box[‘1’] == token and box[‘2’] == token and box[‘3’] == token
return true
elsif box[‘4’] == token and box[‘5’] == token and box[‘6’] == token
return true
elsif box[‘7’] == token and box[‘8’] == token and box[‘9’] == token
return true
elsif box[‘1’] == token and box[‘4’] == token and box[‘7’] == token
return true
elsif box[‘2’] == token and box[‘5’] == token and box[‘8’] == token
return true
elsif box[‘3’] == token and box[‘6’] == token and box[‘9’] == token
return true
elsif box[‘1’] == token and box[‘5’] == token and box[‘9’] == token
return true
elsif box[‘3’] == token and box[‘5’] == token and box[‘7’] == token
return true

Not sure I understand the question, and without the rest of the source
code, there is not much context. In each if/elsif it appears that you
are trying to compare 3 values to determine whether they are all the
same as the value of token, whatever it’s value may be. However, I don’t
know the exact purpose or whether your code would accomplish it.

I figured it out! Thank you for the response, though! You’re right,
didn’t provide enough context.