I’ve just started with Ruby and decided to do a little project. Since
this is my first time doing
something related with the internet, I could sure use some guidelines.
Let me first tell you what my project is.
I’m planning to create a simple web page, with only an input box. The
input should be used
as a search term that will retrieve the results from google and
display them on my page.
Simple enough, I still have some question regarding the design. Here
they are:
1.) I’m planning to do this as simple as possible. I know how to
retireve data from google,
therefore I will create only a simple class which will then be
imported into the
HTML file. Is this a good idea, or is there another, simpler/cleaner/
better way?
2.) Is the best way to retrieve the data as a HTML page and work by
reading lines,
cleaning the clutter with simple regex methods?
I’m planning to create a simple web page, with only an input box. The
input should be used
as a search term that will retrieve the results from google and
display them on my page.
So you will need to run this under a web server, to allow your client to
POST the input box contents to your application.
It sounds like you’re considering rhtml or cgi-bin. Those would work,
but I think you should have a look at Sinatra too. It’s very simple and
I’ve just started with Ruby and decided to do a little project. Since
this is my first time doing
something related with the internet, I could sure use some guidelines.
Let me first tell you what my project is.
I’m planning to create a simple web page, with only an input box. The
input should be used
as a search term that will retrieve the results from google and
display them on my page.
Simple enough, I still have some question regarding the design. Here
they are:
1.) I’m planning to do this as simple as possible. I know how to
retireve data from google,
therefore I will create only a simple class which will then be
imported into the
HTML file. Is this a good idea, or is there another, simpler/cleaner/
better way?
It’s probably a good idea to use one of the lighter-weight Web
frameworks such as Sinatra or Merb for this. (Rails is probably
overkill for a project like this, but you might want to consider it.)
2.) Is the best way to retrieve the data as a HTML page and work by
reading lines,
cleaning the clutter with simple regex methods?