Simple search in ror

i need to implement a simple text function for the app i dev now.

1- the form in app/views/layouts

<% form_tag({:controller => “teachers”, :action => “search”}, :method =>
“get”) do %>
<%= text_field_tag :query, nil, :id => “search-text” %>
<%= submit_tag(“GO”, :id => “search-submit”) %>
<% end %>

2- the search method in teacher_controller.rb

def search
session[:query] = params[:query].strip if params[:query]

if session[:query]
  @teachers = Teacher.find(:all, :conditions => ["materie LIKE ?",

“%#{session[:query]}%”], :order => “cognome ASC”)

3- the page for the result in app/view/teachers/search.html.erb

Teachers found

<% if searchresults.length == 0 %>

No teacher found...

<% elsif params[:query] == "" %>

Insert a term, please.

<% else %>
    <% for teacher in searchresults %>
  • <%= link_to teacher.cognome , teacher_url(:id =>>
  • <% end %>
<% end %>

But when I push the search button the page goes to the show function…

Heeeeeeelp !!!

Many many thanks to all who…