seqNo =
seqNo = “-” + seqNo+ “.xx.m”
puts "seqNo: #{seqNo} " # >> seqNo: -4.xx.m
but I want it to be -004.xx.m. In other words I want the leading zeros.
I didn’t even think the .to_s should be necessary, but tried it in
Newbie (but you already figured that out by the question).
On 7/9/07, 12 34 [email protected] wrote:
seqNo =
seqNo = “-” + seqNo+ “.xx.m”
puts "seqNo: #{seqNo} " # >> seqNo: -4.xx.m
but I want it to be -004.xx.m. In other words I want the leading zeros.
Maybe you want [-3,3] instead of [-1,3]?
On 10 Jul 2007, at 11:54, 12 34 wrote:
Your use of String#[] is wrong:
-------------------------------------------------------------- String#[]
Element Reference—If passed a single +Fixnum+, returns the code
of the character at that position. If passed two +Fixnum+ objects,
returns a substring starting at the offset given by the first, and
a length given by the second.
So [-1,3] gives you a string starting at the last character that is 3
characters long. You run off the end of the string before it gets to
3 characters, so it ends up just being the last character - 4. I
wonder if Ruby shouldn’t raise an IndexError in that case.
Replace it with [-4,4] to get what you want (I think) - the last 4
characters. As you mention, the .to_s is unnecessary.
seqNo = File.basename("/Volumes/MINOLTA1/DCIM/100MLT16/
seqNo = “-#{seqNo}.xx.m”
Alex G.
Bioinformatics Center
Kyoto University
2007/7/10, Todd B. [email protected]:
On 7/9/07, 12 34 [email protected] wrote:
seqNo =
seqNo = “-” + seqNo+ “.xx.m”
puts "seqNo: #{seqNo} " # >> seqNo: -4.xx.m
but I want it to be -004.xx.m. In other words I want the leading zeros.
Maybe you want [-3,3] instead of [-1,3]?
seqNo = File.basename(fname)[/\d+/]
On Jul 9, 8:54 pm, 12 34 [email protected] wrote:
seqNo =
File.basename(“/Volumes/MINOLTA1/DCIM/100MLT16/PICT0004.MOV”,“.*”)[-1,3].to _s
seqNo = “-” + seqNo+ “.xx.m”
puts "seqNo: #{seqNo} " # >> seqNo: -4.xx.m
but I want it to be -004.xx.m. In other words I want the leading zeros.
Slim2:~ phrogz$ irb
irb(main):001:0> path = “/Volumes/MINOLTA1/DCIM/100MLT16/PICT0004.MOV”
=> “/Volumes/MINOLTA1/DCIM/100MLT16/PICT0004.MOV”
irb(main):002:0> digits = path[ /(\d+).\w+$/, 1 ]
=> “0004”
irb(main):003:0> my_seq = “%03d” % digits.to_i
=> “004”
12 34 [email protected] wrote:
seqNo =
seqNo = “-” + seqNo+ “.xx.m”
puts "seqNo: #{seqNo} " # >> seqNo: -4.xx.m
but I want it to be -004.xx.m. In other words I want the leading zeros.
seqNo =
seqNo = “-” + /\d$/.match(seqNo)[0] + “.xx.m”
puts "seqNo: #{seqNo} "
But you might need to change that if you don’t want all three leading
zeros (your desired answer omits one). m.