My email program has a “redirect” function that re-sends an email
message to someone else but doesn’t modify the body and headers - so
the resent message appears just like it did the first time. If I
receive a message and redirect it to my friend Joe, he still sees “To:
Joshua B.” in the headers.
Any idea what is the simplest way to do this with ROR? I was trying to
use Net::SMTP but while it works for simple text messages it is
failing on more complex multipart MIME messages.
from = [email protected]
to = [email protected]
mail = tmail.to_s
Net::SMTP.start(SMTP_server, 25) do |smtp|
smtp.send_message mail, from, to
Is this the right approach if I’m starting with an mbox style message
parsed out with RMail::MBoxReader?