Simply Helpful - Is it being used?

There is a reference in “Agile Web D. with Rails”, 2nd
edition (footnote on page 483) to the effect that “Simply Helpful”,
which is to facilitate integration of models, REST and form_for, will
likely end up in core Rails.
However, I have seen woefully little reaction to it and I was
wondering if it is worth using in my new application.
Any advice would be warmly appreciated.

On Sunday 11 March 2007, yitzhakbg wrote:

There is a reference in “Agile Web D. with Rails”, 2nd
edition (footnote on page 483) to the effect that “Simply Helpful”,
which is to facilitate integration of models, REST and form_for, will
likely end up in core Rails.
However, I have seen woefully little reaction to it and I was
wondering if it is worth using in my new application.
Any advice would be warmly appreciated.

Yes, use it. I don’t see any drawback. In recent versions there is a new
way to create URLs for objects that is very helpful if you’re
generically working with resources, namely polymorphic_url(@object).


Michael S.
mailto:[email protected]

However, I have seen woefully little reaction to it and I was
wondering if it is worth using in my new application.

I use it on every project now, it really feels like part of Rails.
The url helpers, and methods like dom_id and dom_class DRY up your
views a lot and make AJAX effects simpler to employ, as you get a set
of conventions for referencing DOM elements.

-Patrick Ewing

Thanks very much

Is there a tutorial?

Le 11 mars 07 à 20:38, Michael S. a écrit :

Yes, use it. I don’t see any drawback.

It doesn’t handle nested resources :frowning:

Nicolas C.

Hi –

On 3/11/07, yitzhakbg [email protected] wrote:

There is a reference in “Agile Web D. with Rails”, 2nd
edition (footnote on page 483) to the effect that “Simply Helpful”,
which is to facilitate integration of models, REST and form_for, will
likely end up in core Rails.
However, I have seen woefully little reaction to it and I was
wondering if it is worth using in my new application.

I think it is indeed used quite widely. I have a bit of a stumbling
block with the form helper stuff, because I strongly dislike this

def new
@user =

where you create an AR instance and then discard it, for the sole
purpose of querying it as to whether or not it’s a new object.[1] But
don’t listen to me; I’m in the minority on this :slight_smile: And the general
idea of integrating stuff and making it less repetitive I think is
very sound, of course.



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I wondered why new had that line of code. I commented out the line that
creates an empty object in the new method. Still all my tests pass and
everything seems fine. So what would the test look like for new method
creates the object that is discarded?

Here is my experience with it: I developed on application with Rails
1.2.2without Simply_Helper plugin. I wrote lot of tests and once my
was ready to be released I refactored my code to use Simply Helpful
All my tests passed (unit, functional, integration and Selenium) and I
confident that what I was doing was working.

Suddenly for some reason when I installed some plugin the tests began to
fail due to Simply Helpful. I removed the simply helpful tags and
now works fine. I still have not found out what went wrong with the
Helpful when other plugins are installed.

On 3/12/07, David A. Black [email protected] wrote:

don’t listen to me; I’m in the minority on this :slight_smile: And the general
idea of integrating stuff and making it less repetitive I think is
very sound, of course.

I’m not sure why you dislike it. The solution you propose in the blog
entry (User.proto) is essentially what provides: a
prototypical, blank-slate user.

There’s nothing overkill about this. A new User is no more or less
than what’s needed to show a new user.

I think that whether you use a singleton or a new instance per request
should be a question of implementation rather than idiom.


Hi –

On 3/12/07, Jeremy K. [email protected] wrote:

where you create an AR instance and then discard it, for the sole
than what’s needed to show a new user.

I think that whether you use a singleton or a new instance per request
should be a question of implementation rather than idiom.

Maybe. I don’t have a slam-dunk technical argument against it; it
just strikes me as kind of loose, in the sense that, although does not create a database record, the whole apparatus
exists as a way to persist instances to a database, so deciding up
front to create an instance that has zero chance of being persisted
seems to me contrary to the semantic thrust of the system.

As I said, I’m in the minority :slight_smile: I understand the reasoning behind
it, and I imagine I’ll get used to seeing it, but it doesn’t sit well
with me. I’d actually say it’s more an idiom thing than an
implementation thing: even if proto (or some other better name) were
an alias of new, it would be more expressive of the status of this
particular instance as a kind of dead-end/stand-in object of


Q. What is THE Ruby book for Rails developers?
A. RUBY FOR RAILS by David A. Black (
(See what readers are saying!
Q. Where can I get Ruby/Rails on-site training, consulting, coaching?
A. Ruby Power and Light, LLC (

On 12-Mar-07, at 11:54 AM, David A. Black wrote:

def new
I’m not sure why you dislike it. The solution you propose in the blog
Maybe. I don’t have a slam-dunk technical argument against it; it
an alias of new, it would be more expressive of the status of this
particular instance as a kind of dead-end/stand-in object of


David, I tend to agree - it strikes me my disturbance lies in the
tightly coupling of the 'Model to AR.

If rails models were independent of storage, then would sit
better with me.

Given the above, it is not implementation - but a symptom of the
current Model implementation as ActiveRecord. I’ll bet dollars to
donuts that we’ll see a separation down the road.

The Model as means storage rears it’s head in my tests as well - I
want to test my Models - not AR; and mocking AR is not a solution
that sits right with me.


On 3/12/07, David A. Black [email protected] wrote:

Maybe. I don’t have a slam-dunk technical argument against it; it
just strikes me as kind of loose, in the sense that, although does not create a database record, the whole apparatus
exists as a way to persist instances to a database, so deciding up
front to create an instance that has zero chance of being persisted
seems to me contrary to the semantic thrust of the system.

Ah, but it does. The create action has the corresponding
user.attributes = params[:user]

So imagine we’re Seaside: the new and create actions just happen to be
punctuated by a request+response:
GET /users/new user =
POST /users user.update_attributes params[:user]

Regarding User’s narrow persistence destiny, I heartily disagree! User
models a real entity in the problem domain-- its characteristics and
behavior-- and Active Record is used to persist it, not the other way

As I said, I’m in the minority :slight_smile: I understand the reasoning behind
it, and I imagine I’ll get used to seeing it, but it doesn’t sit well
with me. I’d actually say it’s more an idiom thing than an
implementation thing: even if proto (or some other better name) were
an alias of new, it would be more expressive of the status of this
particular instance as a kind of dead-end/stand-in object of

I hope I’ve persuaded you :wink: Seen in another light, there is no dead
end or special status for this instance.


On 3/12/07, Jodi S. [email protected] wrote:

David, I tend to agree - it strikes me my disturbance lies in the
tightly coupling of the 'Model to AR.

If rails models were independent of storage, then would sit
better with me.

I think Active Record succeeds because of this dependence.

Why beat around the bush when you’re almost always working with a
SQL-speaking relational database?

By assuming that object instance ↔ table row, that attributes of
instances ↔ fields of that row, and that associations among
instances ↔ foreign-key relations among tables, we’re able to shrug
off the heavy burden of arbitrariness in favor a simple, elegant
correspondence whose power is derived from its avoidance of a
generic, indirect mapping. Delightful!

By no means does this rule out loading your AR classes with behavior
modeling your domain. On the contrary, I’ve admired many an app whose
domain is richly expressed by its AR classes.

Given the above, it is not implementation - but a symptom of the
current Model implementation as ActiveRecord. I’ll bet dollars to
donuts that we’ll see a separation down the road.

I encourage you to reexamine your odds-making :wink:

The Model as means storage rears it’s head in my tests as well - I
want to test my Models - not AR; and mocking AR is not a solution
that sits right with me.

Whether you subclass AR::Base or include SomePersistenceStrategy,
you’re going to have to stub it out for tests one way or another. I’ve
been very happy with Mocha for quick, natural mocks and stubs.


Hi –

On 3/12/07, Jeremy K. [email protected] wrote:

user.attributes = params[:user]

But that user isn’t the same instance as the @user from the new
action. Somewhere in create you instantiate User again.

So imagine we’re Seaside: the new and create actions just happen to be
punctuated by a request+response:
GET /users/new user =
POST /users user.update_attributes params[:user]

OK… but we’re not :slight_smile: The separation, and the need to instantiate
the class twice, are very palpable to me in the Rails scenario. If
the semantics were as above, then the situation might be different;
but it’s hard to project that into the current semantics.

In fact, that might be exactly what bothers me about it. The idea is
that you have a new instance, and someone fills out some fields for
it, and you save it – but that idea is very much not manifested in
the actual code.

Take, by way of comparison and contrast, the instance variable sharing
between controller and view. That’s a case where the sameness of the
objects (@var and @var) is a deception – but it’s you, the
programmer, who are deceived, so that you have a seamless virtual
scope for instance variables even though ‘self’ has changed.

In the case, I think the problem is that it sort of wants to
be like that, but there’s no deception: you actually have to program
the two instances and you can see graphically in your code that they
have no relation to each other.

Regarding User’s narrow persistence destiny, I heartily disagree! User
models a real entity in the problem domain-- its characteristics and
behavior-- and Active Record is used to persist it, not the other way

It’s sort of both, though, in the sense that the object is not a
completely database-innocent (so to speak) object which happens to be
sent along to an AR subsystem to be persisted. It’s already bitten the
database apple; it encapsulates knowledge of the database, and knows
how to persist itself.

I do know what you mean, though, and I’ve tried to view it that way.
It doesn’t totally work for me; it still feels like pressing an AR
object into service outside of its sweet spot.

As I said, I’m in the minority :slight_smile: I understand the reasoning behind
it, and I imagine I’ll get used to seeing it, but it doesn’t sit well
with me. I’d actually say it’s more an idiom thing than an
implementation thing: even if proto (or some other better name) were
an alias of new, it would be more expressive of the status of this
particular instance as a kind of dead-end/stand-in object of

I hope I’ve persuaded you :wink: Seen in another light, there is no dead
end or special status for this instance.

I’m afraid I’m still a disbeliever :slight_smile: But that’s OK – not everyone
has to like every idiom, and it’s very interesting to talk and think
about this particular one, I find.


Q. What is THE Ruby book for Rails developers?
A. RUBY FOR RAILS by David A. Black (
(See what readers are saying!
Q. Where can I get Ruby/Rails on-site training, consulting, coaching?
A. Ruby Power and Light, LLC (

Resolved the simply helpful problem, if I have the line: @user =
User.createin the new method, I am able to use simply helpful plugin
without any

On 3/12/07, David A. Black [email protected] wrote:

front to create an instance that has zero chance of being persisted
seems to me contrary to the semantic thrust of the system.

Ah, but it does. The create action has the corresponding
user.attributes = params[:user]

But that user isn’t the same instance as the @user from the new
action. Somewhere in create you instantiate User again.

I see what you’re saying, but don’t understand why the used
to build the edit form being the identical instance to the one saved
is important.

Their equivalence is enough for me. Perhaps it helps to think of a new
instance as a value object (equality by attributes) rather than an
entity (equality by id.)

So imagine we’re Seaside: the new and create actions just happen to be
punctuated by a request+response:
GET /users/new user =
POST /users user.update_attributes params[:user]

OK… but we’re not :slight_smile: The separation, and the need to instantiate
the class twice, are very palpable to me in the Rails scenario. If
the semantics were as above, then the situation might be different;
but it’s hard to project that into the current semantics.

I think they are as above :wink:

In the case, I think the problem is that it sort of wants to
be like that, but there’s no deception: you actually have to program
the two instances and you can see graphically in your code that they
have no relation to each other.

How would it feel to marshal the instance between requests?

GET /users/new session[:user] =
POST /users session[:user].update_attributes params[:user]

Then the code can be collapsed to a sensible linear flow with the
intervening request as params[:user] = $interweb.gets

I do know what you mean, though, and I’ve tried to view it that way.
It doesn’t totally work for me; it still feels like pressing an AR
object into service outside of its sweet spot.

But it’s not going to hell for that sweet bite of knowledge! It’s
free to live a happy object life despite driving a database to work.

Too many metaphors, I know :wink:

I’m afraid I’m still a disbeliever :slight_smile: But that’s OK – not everyone
has to like every idiom, and it’s very interesting to talk and think
about this particular one, I find.



Hi –

On 3/12/07, Bala P. [email protected] wrote:

Resolved the simply helpful problem, if I have the line: @user = User.create
in the new method, I am able to use simply helpful plugin without any

That’s not a good idea, as it will add a record to the users table
whether or not the creation form gets submitted.


Q. What is THE Ruby book for Rails developers?
A. RUBY FOR RAILS by David A. Black (
(See what readers are saying!
Q. Where can I get Ruby/Rails on-site training, consulting, coaching?
A. Ruby Power and Light, LLC (


On 12 Mar 2007, at 14:54, David A. Black wrote:


I think it is indeed used quite widely. I have a bit of a stumbling
block with the form helper stuff, because I strongly dislike this

def new
@user =

where you create an AR instance and then discard it, for the sole
purpose of querying it as to whether or not it’s a new object.[1] But
don’t listen to me; I’m in the minority on this :slight_smile: And the general
idea of integrating stuff and making it less repetitive I think is
very sound, of course.

If it bothers you so much, you could maybe fiddle a bit with
‘form_for’ to accept this in the view:

<% form_for(Person) … %>

Then, the helper can call ‘new’ or it could interrogate Person in some
other way in order to discover its attributes and deal with the form


…ahem, I am assuming here that you have an ‘edit’ and a ‘new’ view
and thus…

<% form_for Person %> /* new.rhtml /
<% form_for @person %> /
in edit.rhtml */

If that is not the case in your apps, as it usally is in mine, then
ignore my suggestion; it would be of no help in your quest for a more
‘likeable idiom’
