Single php file location match

How would I go about running a PHP file that is only matched by the
request of that file? Meaning, how can someone request a file and nginx
run this configuration ONLY when this PHP file is requested.

Here is what I have so far:

location / {
root /www/default/;
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?q=$uri&$args;
index index.php;

location /status.php {
deny all;
#allow all;
root /www/default/;
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?q=$uri&$args;
index status.php;

Basically, I’ll be setting up rules to only allow a local network
request, but only for status.php. So how do I go about allowing this
one network to status.php?

Posted at Nginx Forum:

On Thu, Mar 04, 2010 at 11:34:19PM -0500, drewrockshard wrote:

Basically, I’ll be setting up rules to only allow a local network request, but only for status.php. So how do I go about allowing this one network to status.php?
location = /status.php {
deny all;
#allow all;
root /www/default/;
fastcgi_pass …
include fastcgi.conf;

Igor S.


Thanks for the update! This resolved it. So, after I had submitted my
post I did end up using the equal sign (“=”), which worked, however, it
wasn’t working, but after inserting the fcgi stuff, it worked.

Thanks again!

Posted at Nginx Forum: