Hello everyone,
It’s a bit of time that I try to use the functions of class UHD, but
unfortunately without success.
I have prepared a small example in which you can reproduce the error
obtained when launching the simulation.
Since it makes use of gr-802.11 you need to install this library,
and also install the block that I created, folder gr-test_simone
here, the name of the code is using_uhd.
In short, this block should work as an AGC, in particular it reads the
from the USRP, processes, and writes the new value.
I would be very grateful if someone with a little patience can correct
where I’m wrong!
-> Settings for using_uhd block,
alpha = damping constant = 0.001
reference = allowed_ADC_range^2 = 0,025 half dynamic (full dynamic is
obtained error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/simone/Scrivania/top_block.py”, line 238, in
tb = top_block(address=options.address)
File “/home/simone/Scrivania/top_block.py”, line 76, in init
self.test_simone_using_uhd_0 = test_simone.using_uhd(0.001, 0.025)
AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘using_uhd’
I think that the problem is how I use address in using_uhd_impl.cc when
call the “sptr = make”!
Simone Ciccia