Smarter nitro executable

Another idea I’ve had, if the nitro executable would be able to figure
out if it’s installed as a gem or not, it could in the second case take
care itself of setting the loadpath for nitro. That way when running
from the repo you wouldn’t have to juggle too many environment variables
and the likes, it would “just work”.



Ein Fuchs muß tun, was ein Fuchs tun muß
[email protected]

Interesting idea,

do you feel capable of implementing this? It would be a great


On Dec 8, 1:33 am, Arne B. [email protected] wrote:

Another idea I’ve had, if the nitro executable would be able to figure
out if it’s installed as a gem or not, it could in the second case take
care itself of setting the loadpath for nitro. That way when running
from the repo you wouldn’t have to juggle too many environment variables
and the likes, it would “just work”.


If you Roll all these problesm vanish.


George M. schreef:

Interesting idea,

do you feel capable of implementing this? It would be a great
I’ll have a stab at it. I don’t think it would be all that hard.


I do the following for getting the data directory in webgen which
works in all cases (not installed, installed via setup.rb and
installed via gems):

module Webgen

Returns the data directory for webgen.

def self.data_dir
unless defined?( @@data_dir )
@@data_dir = File.expand_path( File.join( File.dirname
( FILE ), ‘…’, ‘…’, ‘data’, ‘webgen’) )

   @@data_dir = File.expand_path( File.join( Config::CONFIG

[“datadir”], “webgen” ) ) if !File.exists?( @@data_dir )

   raise "Could not find webgen data directory! This is a bug,

report it please!" unless @@data_dir )


Something similar should do the trick for the load path.
