Lo and behold people!
This is a collection of IRC quotes over the various years.
I will have them mostly from the channel Ruby, or exclusively.
I have quite a bit more, but not all of them are a lot of
fun, so I picked only a few.
I guess the one or other of them may make for a good read - enjoy!
15 JUN 2005, freenode.net on #rubyonrails
tufty: Function unshit is yor frend
tufty: unshift. fuck
chrissturm: lol
theyre implementing the perl6 spec in haskell
is that good or bad?
its certainly impressive
gratifying in a geeky sort of way
I entered it and now gem installs the whole internet
wallerdev say something funny
your face
good one
wallerdev why do you hate your dad so much
haha if i hated my dad id ask him to learn rails just to
a one page site with a couple images on it
can anyone explain me what does foreman exactly do
it’s just a process rapper
I guess ruby just makes you happy… I get angry when looking
at PHP
or something curly-brace-semicolon-alike
when will be release of 2.3 ruby
in the future
[Later, same day]
the fear of the unknown, we need to have our mind win the
fight over our instincts
06.06.2015 Ruby
why would you not include the last item btw?
when you dont want the last item
18.06.2015 Ruby
shock_one: this chair and I will be one
well, it’s probably the only thing that gets to touch my
butt ~9 hours a day
06.07.2015 Ruby
star wars the next generation
riceandbeans give your friend 22 points out of 100 for his code
oh I read that as Star Trek for a moment
Star Trek: A new hope
I always cheered for the BORG
the borg are great, they just have horrible marketing.
also a little inflexible with regards to their product palette
07.07.2015 Ruby
What is the penalty for using → do end?
possibly depends on what kind of penalty. Maybe it is super slow
No, it just doesn’t look right.
29.08.2015, Ruby
You’re just shoving them into an Array and sorting, so I don’t
understand why they need identifiers, especially given that their names
are right their in the Hash.
Oh, wow.
13.09.2015, Ruby
<linux_dr> zenspider: I didn’t write the thing… just trying to wrestle
it into submission.
never a truer statement about programming has been made
27.09.2015, Ruby
<[k-> what took so looooong
your face
<[k-> ha.
29.09.2015, Ruby
unicode cursing!
I prefer cursing in French.
It’s like wiping your ass with silk.
13.10.2015, Ruby
rescue nil is try on steroids.
17.10.2015, Ruby
Is anyone there?
you are
26.10.2015, Ruby
ruby has a warmer mouthfeel, perl has fruity overtones and php
well with dog turds
29.10.2015, Ruby
<Erik____> Are you a seasoned programmer or young?
I program regardless of season
15.11.2015, Ruby
Ox0dea, it is perfectly fine to name a struct memeber abc-123 in
ruid: What are you on about?
struct blah { int abc-123; }
that’s fine
You must be pretending to be retarded.
ruid: What even makes you say something like that?
Ox0dea, oh… im wrong
17.11.2015, Ruby
it’s all ugly
You stop that.
25.11.2015, Ruby
anyway monkey patching is like kicking babies
fun but unkind
29.11.2015, Ruby
ruby can use selenium?
jackcom can use google?
07.12.2015, Ruby
i’m looking at rails, it seems to interpolate directly without
using params
but that might be for cross-compatibility across sql connectors
rails is still a source of bad ideas, I see
14.12.2015, Ruby
there are two difficult-to-handle things in software evolution
- complexity
- naming things
- off by one errors
15.12.2015, Ruby
so I found a very interesting exception with the json validation
if you have required fields in your schema but they are not part
of your response, the validation passes
cored: interesting? wouldn’t bug be the more fitting term?
26.12.2015, Ruby
shevy: this path is madness so i’ll quit
27.12.2015, Ruby
We have %w for array of words and %i for array of interns; why
not %d for array of numerics?
See, I never even know that the letters had meanings.
I thought they were picked due to a resemblance to Kanji
28.12.2015, Ruby
shevy reading ‘what is monad?’ articles over and over
apparently gave me psychic powers shevy
did you understand them?
I feel close, but it’s like sand running through my fingers.
29.12.2015, Ruby
Python 2.7.3 or greater (but not Python 3) is required to build.
You are running Python 3.5.1.
firefox source does not like a too new python version for its
shevy: two snakes is too many snakes
01.01.2016, Ruby
Hello ladies and gentleman
dtordable: Which one?
You damn hobbit 0xdea
02.01.2016, Ruby
is my goal a reasonable one?
Hard to say.
04.01.2016, Ruby
apeiros: thanks for the tip. Do you always give advice to
people who don’t ask?
Darmani: I also sometimes show people the door even though
they don’t want to go
04.01.2016, Ruby
Darmani bathroom is often where you will have the best ideas
like you can solve a problem that you are unable to solve when
you sit before the computer
other methods involve running
I often run to the bathroom
So I can solve 2 problems
04.01.2016, #devuan
can someone explain why udev makes silly unique names for
network interfaces?
to piss you off?
05.01.2016, Ruby
apeiros: ah, gotcha… well… yea bad habit maybe. i just never use
parents for puts.
jesus, today is not my irc day
06.01.2016, Ruby
who knows mac and linux?
vroomvroomvroom: Is this a riddle?
no i just want to know what the open (osx) command is
in ubuntu
vroomvroomvroom: xdg-open
can we change it to just open?
That is forbidden.
11.01.2016, Ruby
What is the opposite of debug?
a genius error-free code
14.01.2016, Ruby
I like naming my variables after greek gods or mountains
sometimes a mix of the two
14.01.2016, Ruby
I’m deploying a ruby based app catarse
> cat arse
16.01.2016, Ruby
can i come here tomorrow?
you have to pay a new entrance fee, and there’s a cover for
the band
27.01.2016, Ruby
thats what i was looking for
i know what you need baby
02.02.2016, Ruby
(that german link, btw, was about the development of a DNA based
computer which could solve the hamiltonian path problem)
a german computer?!
well, all germans are computers
04.02.2016, Ruby
Good morning folks.
omg stop casting spells on us
09.02.2016, Ruby
C++ “else if” is in fact application of the optional {} on
clauses on if/else
In English that means…?
10.02.2016, Ruby
imal neko iz Bosne?
making bosna with neko is rather hard, but doable
17.02.2016, Ruby
=> is hashrocket, []= must be shenanigan
&.[]= lonely shenanigans. The operator that matz banished.
24.02.2016, Ruby
right now i’m busy pushing our company to use Nix across the
and after that maybe i can sneak in some Go or Elixir ini
life’s a constant struggle against popular choices
09.03.2016, Ruby
hey guys, is there a possible way to declare programatically
in a block? For example i want to call an argumentless function (def
test) that
it will have the variable ‘bla’ set to ‘hello world’
doesn’t sound like it should be argumentless in the first place
to me sounds like you’re on an evil path
you always see only the evil in me
maybe it’s because it’s all you show from yourself
12.03.2016, Ruby
Is the standard coding style in Ruby more EAFP or LBYL?
hmm, the European Association of Fish Pathologists
22.03.2016, Ruby
does a human developer develop humans?
apeiros: i think that’s called pregnancy.
25.03.2016, Ruby
But… Hash#default_proc exists and Hash#merge supports
conflict resolution.
I don’t see why those things shouldn’t make a baby.
26.03.2016, Ruby
perl is pretty dead right now, even the perl conference isn’t
perl anymore
27.03.2016, Ruby
@@ is for when you don’t want the warning associated with
a constant.
29.03.2016, Ruby
youtube comments are truth
31.03.2016, Ruby
<mr_oh> Atom seems kind of slow at that
I believe it.
I said a decent editor.
05.04.2016, Ruby
havenwood: a lot
It was a breaking change iirc
though why in the world someone’s using either is another
very relevant question
considering they’re both long deprecated
took me half a second
I’m glad you’re not my computer.
14.04.2016, Ruby
yeah, the the reason why MRI still has GIL
jsaak: it’s also from 2007
but at least now you can choose rbx or jruby
jsaak: ko1 (1 = one, not lowercase L), you should consider
using a
font which makes those characters distinguishable :-p
huh 2007… that’s almost 10 years
and we still have the gil
<_ko10> gilty
18.04.2016, Ruby
shevy: I have embodied my name
I now work with logs as a primary job function