Some warnings Watir webdriver/selenium/fork

warning: method redefined; discarding old data
warning: method redefined; discarding old element_class
warning: method redefined; discarding old iframe
warning: method redefined; discarding old iframes
warning: method redefined; discarding old width
warning: method redefined; discarding old height
warning: method redefined; discarding old type
warning: method redefined; discarding old selected?
warning: method redefined; discarding old value
warning: method redefined; discarding old colspan
warning: method redefined; discarding old interpreter
warning: method redefined; discarding old interpreter=
warning: method redefined; discarding old proxy=
warning: method redefined; discarding old proxy
warning: instance variable @cwd not initialized
warning: instance variable @cwd not initialized

How to solve these warnings? Kindly help me a way to find solution.

why the warning? and how can I solve it?
warning: instance variable @cwd not initialized

Because you haven’t assigned a value to @cwd, or its lost its value in
the current scope.

If you want to temporarily suppress warnings you can try this:

From the look of it, webdriver is overwriting its own methods every time
you call a new process. There may be an alternative, but I’ve never
tried running synchronous instances of webdriver.

Joel P. wrote in post #1079207:

Because you haven’t assigned a value to @cwd, or its lost its value in
the current scope.
I have just invoked the code using a ruby script using system.
So what can I do to fix all these warning?

Or please help me with the way to supress all warnings.

ajay paswan wrote in post #1079985:

Joel P. wrote in post #1079295:

If you want to temporarily suppress warnings you can try this:
HOWTO redirect stdout in Ruby - Eddy Mulyono — LiveJournal
This is supressing stdout, not warnings only!! :frowning:

Suppress stdout until the errors have passed, then restore it.

From the look of it, webdriver is overwriting its own methods every time
you call a new process. There may be an alternative, but I’ve never
tried running synchronous instances of webdriver.

I get these warning most probably because I run the script from another
script using ‘system’. Any clue? how to catch and rectify it?

This is outside my area of expertise, I don’t know enough about the way
‘system’ works with concurrent instances of webdriver. I think some
smaller-scale experimentation might the way to go with this; try to find
different ways of doing the same thing, or take a different approach

Joel P. wrote in post #1079295:

If you want to temporarily suppress warnings you can try this:
HOWTO redirect stdout in Ruby - Eddy Mulyono — LiveJournal
This is supressing stdout, not warnings only!! :frowning:
From the look of it, webdriver is overwriting its own methods every time
you call a new process. There may be an alternative, but I’ve never
tried running synchronous instances of webdriver.

I get these warning most probably because I run the script from another
script using ‘system’. Any clue? how to catch and rectify it?

ajay paswan wrote in post #1080101:

Joel P. wrote in post #1080049:

ajay paswan wrote in post #1079985:

Joel P. wrote in post #1079295:

If you want to temporarily suppress warnings you can try this:
HOWTO redirect stdout in Ruby - Eddy Mulyono — LiveJournal
This is supressing stdout, not warnings only!! :frowning:

Suppress stdout until the errors have passed, then restore it.
Did not get you, kindly put some more light on it

Actually I just tried that, and webdriver seems to be ignoring the
console redirect, it’s still outputting to the console even when it
shouldn’t be.

This doesn’t work, although as far as I can see it should:

orig_std_out = STDOUT.clone #Make a record of the default console output
$stdout.reopen(“Rubylog.txt”, “w”) #Create / overwrite logfile
$stdout.sync = true #Allow interception of console output
$stderr.reopen($stdout) #Pass errors to logfile

require ‘watir-webdriver’
puts(‘goes to file’)

b = #This generates a log from the driver

restore stdout

$stdout = orig_std_out
puts(‘goes to stdout’)

Joel P. wrote in post #1080049:

ajay paswan wrote in post #1079985:

Joel P. wrote in post #1079295:

If you want to temporarily suppress warnings you can try this:
HOWTO redirect stdout in Ruby - Eddy Mulyono — LiveJournal
This is supressing stdout, not warnings only!! :frowning:

Suppress stdout until the errors have passed, then restore it.
Did not get you, kindly put some more light on it

From the look of it, webdriver is overwriting its own methods every time
you call a new process. There may be an alternative, but I’ve never
tried running synchronous instances of webdriver.

I get these warning most probably because I run the script from another
script using ‘system’. Any clue? how to catch and rectify it?

This is outside my area of expertise, I don’t know enough about the way
‘system’ works with concurrent instances of webdriver. I think some
smaller-scale experimentation might the way to go with this; try to find
different ways of doing the same thing, or take a different approach
Yes thats what I was trying, and am trying, hope for the best. But there
should be logical reasons to solve it.

Joel P. wrote in post #1080136:

ajay paswan wrote in post #1080101:

Joel P. wrote in post #1080049:

ajay paswan wrote in post #1079985:

Joel P. wrote in post #1079295:

If you want to temporarily suppress warnings you can try this:
HOWTO redirect stdout in Ruby - Eddy Mulyono — LiveJournal
This is supressing stdout, not warnings only!! :frowning:

Suppress stdout until the errors have passed, then restore it.
Did not get you, kindly put some more light on it

Actually I just tried that, and webdriver seems to be ignoring the
console redirect, it’s still outputting to the console even when it
shouldn’t be.

This doesn’t work, although as far as I can see it should:

orig_std_out = STDOUT.clone #Make a record of the default console output
$stdout.reopen(“Rubylog.txt”, “w”) #Create / overwrite logfile
$stdout.sync = true #Allow interception of console output
$stderr.reopen($stdout) #Pass errors to logfile

require ‘watir-webdriver’
puts(‘goes to file’)

b = #This generates a log from the driver

restore stdout

$stdout = orig_std_out
puts(‘goes to stdout’)

So basically we are taking warnings and redirecting it to some file
instead of stdout??? Am I correct?

But this solution is not satisfying, isnt it possible to really solve

could you tell me the reason of these warnings?

Apart from webdriver’s warning there are warnings related to facter and
childprocess too.
I have no clue, where exactly am getting these warnings, its reason and
its solutions.