Hi all:
Thanks in advance.I want to ask two questions:
1.Where is the source code of the block “WX GUI FFT Sink”?How
does it calculate the power?
2.Which version of the gnuradio start to support the USRP
N210?I just want to know the answer.Thanks.I know the latest one is
3.7.* although.
Best regards,
Hello Xianda,
- gnuradio/gr-wxgui/python/fftsink* . It doesn’t calculate power. It
shows the magnitude of the complex value of the FFT. - This is a bit of a complicated question. N210 only works with gr-uhd,
not with the old-timey libusrp. gr-uhd was functional in 3.5.0.
Now, if you use 3.5.0, you should directly go for 3.6.5, which is far
superior by means of build system and features. Generally, the question
is intriguing why you would want an old version, as this is usually bad.