Options written to spec/spec.opts. You can now use these options with:
spec --options spec/spec.opts
$ cat spec/spec.opts
$ spec spec/models/topic_spec.rb
Options written to spec/spec.opts. You can now use these options with:
spec --options spec/spec.opts
$ cat spec/spec.opts
$ spec spec/models/topic_spec.rb -b
Topic should have specs (Not Yet Implemented)
Topic should have specs (Not Yet Implemented)
Finished in 0.048676 seconds
1 example, 0 failures, 1 pending
Outside of the old merb app, I wasn’t able to duplicate this issue. I
also copied the spec_helper from a newly created merb app (1.0.12)
into the old app, but the issue persisted. Perhaps a library conflict
might be to blame?
I also encoutered an even stranger issue where a single example
resulted in multiple failures i.e. a spec containing 4 examples
produced the following output
3 examples, 3 failures
6 examples, 6 failures
Both of these issues disappeared when I reverted to 1.2.8. I’ll add
more to this thread if and when I re-upgrade.
Outside of the old merb app, I wasn’t able to duplicate this issue. I
also copied the spec_helper from a newly created merb app (1.0.12)
into the old app, but the issue persisted. Perhaps a library conflict
might be to blame?
Merb does override some parts of rspec and we don’t have any
integration testing with merb, so it’s very likely a lib conflict.
Take a look at lib/test in merb-core if you’re interested.
Outside of the old merb app, I wasn’t able to duplicate this issue. I
also copied the spec_helper from a newly created merb app (1.0.12)
into the old app, but the issue persisted. Perhaps a library conflict
might be to blame?
Hi Paul
I use Merb extensively. Can you post your spec_helper? I may be able
to help…
If I create a new merb app (1.0.12) and model and then run rake spec,
all is well. However, if I copy its spec_helper into my own app, the
problems listed above appear. So I think the source of the issue lies
somewhere else.
Have you upgraded the old app to Merb 1.0.12? If not, what version is
it on?
I use Merb extensively. Can you post your spec_helper? I may be able to
Hi Ashley
Many thanks for your offer.
If I create a new merb app (1.0.12) and model and then run rake spec,
all is well. However, if I copy its spec_helper into my own app, the
problems listed above appear. So I think the source of the issue lies
somewhere else.
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