However there doesn’t appear to be a redirect_to matcher, and digging
deeper I can’t even see an underlying Rails assertion method that will
assert for redirect routing configuration. Did I miss it?
Do I need to spec this with a request spec instead?
Routes resolve to paths to controller actions, they don’t do any http
However there doesn’t appear to be a redirect_to matcher, and digging deeper I
can’t even see an underlying Rails assertion method that will assert for redirect
routing configuration. Did I miss it?
Do I need to spec this with a request spec instead?
Or a controller spec. Either way, it’s the controller that’s redirecting
Routes resolve to paths to controller actions, they don’t do any http
Glad to know that!
I think this needs to be in Rails before it’s in RSpec. Would either of you
(Matt/Chris) care to open up a feature request for a new Rails assertion?
Something like assert_route_redirects? If you do, please reference it in this
I think this needs to be in Rails before it’s in RSpec. Would either of
you (Matt/Chris) care to open up a feature request for a new Rails
assertion? Something like assert_route_redirects? If you do, please
reference it in this thread.
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