In porting some automation code from 1.8.7 to 1.9.1, I find that in ruby
1.8 the following generated code (real code is unpacking binary strings
and assigning variables, but I simplify for clarity, although the result
may look a bit silly) worked:
var1 = *[ val1 ] # var1 =
var1, var2, varn = *[ val1, val2, valn ] # ,
(the splat is not necessary in the second case, but this allowed the
code to be generated in the same way, regardless of array size).
With Ruby 1.9.1-p243, instead, this happens:
var1 = *[ val1 ] # var1 = [
val1 ] (!)
var1, var2, varn = *[ val1, val2, valn ] # var1 = val1
So in the first case, var1 became an array (instead than the expected
Of course, this can be fixed by generating code that checks the array
size (and doing a shift if 1, etc). But I am curious on this behavior of
splat when the array contains one element (I read about the
differences/new features of splat in 1.9, but they seem to have nothing
to do with this). Does anyone know if it is a bug?
Raul P.