Sqlite with nitro

I successfully installed the latest gem sqlite3-ruby (with the DLL on
path), but the Nitro blog example fails with a dialog:
sqlite3.dll not found

I’m using Win-XP. Am I doing something wrong? Is there another version
sqlite-ruby bindings?


When I installed, I put the sqlite files into /system32

I don’t believe that windows uses the same “path” for searching for


On 11/18/05, itsme213 [email protected] wrote:

“Remember. Understand. Believe. Yield! → http://ruby-lang.org

Jeff W.

I’m using Win-XP. Am I doing something wrong? Is there another version of
sqlite-ruby bindings?

dunno, I am using sqlite3 + windows all the time with no problems…
anw, better bring this discussion to the nitro mailing list…
