I get a “can’t convert String into Integer (TypeError)” error about the
print statement in the following code. The sqlite3-ruby library has been
installed successfully on my OS X 10.5 system. The code executes fine if
I replace the print statement with: print “hello”. Any suggestions? All
I want to do is iterate through each row in the return set (rows) of the
executed query and look at specific column values. I have run out of
ideas on how to fix this and would appreciate any help. Thanks…
require “sqlite3”
query = “select * from moz_bookmarks”
db = SQLite3::Database.new("/Users/me/Desktop/places.sqlite")
rows = db.execute(query)
rows.each do |row|
print row[‘title’]
2008/6/20 The D. [email protected]:
require “sqlite3”
query = “select * from moz_bookmarks”
db = SQLite3::Database.new(“/Users/me/Desktop/places.sqlite”)
rows = db.execute(query)
Rows is an array of arrays…
rows.each do |row|
At this point, “row” is a straightforward array - you need to use
Integer indices
print row[‘title’]
This fails because you cannot use a string as an integer into an
array. Try
puts row[0]
On 6/20/08, The D. [email protected] wrote:
require “sqlite3”
query = “select * from moz_bookmarks”
db = SQLite3::Database.new(“/Users/me/Desktop/places.sqlite”)
rows = db.execute(query)
rows.each do |row|
print row[‘title’]
Perhaps it would help if you uploaded places.sqlite somewhere (like
Mediafire) so we can try the program. Otherwise, even the schema would
On 6/21/08, Leslie V. [email protected] wrote:
Perhaps it would help if you uploaded places.sqlite somewhere (like
Mediafire) so we can try the program. Otherwise, even the schema would
Nevermind, it’s easy to create such a database.
This program gives what you want:
require “sqlite3”
query = “select * from moz_bookmarks”
db = SQLite3::Database.new(“test.sqlite”)
db.results_as_hash = true
rows = db.execute(query)
rows.each do |row|
#p row
#puts row.class
#p row.methods
puts row[‘title’]
The commented bits will help you with debugging in the future. They
you to see what kind of objects you are dealing with.
The answer to selecting rows by column name is to use
db.results_as_hash as above. This was easily discovered via google.
Go here: http://sqlite-ruby.rubyforge.org/
Click on the ‘FAQ’ link.
You’re welcome.
@leslie - cool, I didn’t know about the results_as_hash, very handy.
Bryan JJ Buckley wrote:
2008/6/20 The D. [email protected]:
require “sqlite3”
query = “select * from moz_bookmarks”
db = SQLite3::Database.new(“/Users/me/Desktop/places.sqlite”)
rows = db.execute(query)
Rows is an array of arrays…
rows.each do |row|
At this point, “row” is a straightforward array - you need to use
Integer indices
print row[‘title’]
This fails because you cannot use a string as an integer into an
array. Try
puts row[0]
Using integer indices did the trick. Thanks! I was trying to use the
column name ‘title’. By the way, the places.sqlite file is the file
where Firefox 3 stores its bookmarks and some other stuff. On OS X, it
can be found in ~/Library/Application