Anyone have a static site generation tool to recommend? I’m looking at
webgen, which seems pretty good, but if there are other nice ones out
there I’d like to spend a few days comparing them before diving in.
Anyone have a static site generation tool to recommend? I’m looking at
webgen, which seems pretty good, but if there are other nice ones out
there I’d like to spend a few days comparing them before diving in.
On 7/10/06, Martin DeMello removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:
Anyone have a static site generation tool to recommend? I’m looking at
webgen, which seems pretty good, but if there are other nice ones out
there I’d like to spend a few days comparing them before diving in.martin
I just write all my source in [Markdown][1] (processing it with
[BlueCloth][2]) and have a little script rummage through them
processing the ones that are newer than their generated html
counterparts. Actually, I should probably be using rake for that, but
am doing it manually at the moment.
On 7/10/06, John G. removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:
counterparts. Actually, I should probably be using rake for that, but
am doing it manually at the moment.—John
On 7/10/06, John G. removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:
counterparts. Actually, I should probably be using rake for that, but
am doing it manually at the moment.
Thanks John; I did consider that sort of approach, but this is a
rather large site, so I’m looking for something that will give me a
bit more of a “helping hand” in terms of standardised navigation,
central configuration of repeated elements, etc.
Martin DeMello wrote:
rather large site, so I’m looking for something that will give me a
bit more of a “helping hand” in terms of standardised navigation,
central configuration of repeated elements, etc.
Never used it but…
I’ll be curious know what you end up with.
On 7/11/06, Joel VanderWerf removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:
Martin DeMello wrote:
rather large site, so I’m looking for something that will give me a
bit more of a “helping hand” in terms of standardised navigation,
central configuration of repeated elements, etc.Never used it but…
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I’ll be curious know what you end up with.
Thanks - will give it a spin too!
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