it seems there’s a bug in gr-howto-write-a-block.
The swig call in src/lib/Makefile.am is defined as
howto.cc howto.py: $(ALL_IFILES)
$(SWIG) $(STD_SWIG_PYTHON_ARGS) -module howto
-o howto.cc $(LOCAL_IFILES)
but STD_SWIG_PYTHON_ARGS is never defined in that module.
I believe Makefile.common should be updated to have something like
<<< SNIP >>>
swig flags
-w511 turns off keyword argument warning
“-outdir $(builddir)” writes all generated output files to
the local builddir (which should always be ‘.’)
SWIG_PYTHON_FLAGS = -fvirtual -python -modern -keyword
-w511 -outdir .
standard swig flags used by most components
<<< SNIP >>>
This works with me, but I don’t really understand the auto-build system
that well - perhaps someone who does can prepare a patch that definitely
does what it should.
I noticed some changes in the build system recently, such as the
introduction of STD_SWIG_PYTHON_ARGS. Perhaps the mini-build-subsystem
of gr-howto just needs the same updates?