Strange upstream behaviour


We are using nginx as a loadbalancer in front of docker containers. Most
the time this works without problems. But sometimes (~0.1% of the
the requests are sent to the server group name instead of one of the
of the servergroup.

upstream gateway {
server weight=1000000;

server {
listen :443;
ssl on;
server_name ;

<ssl config>

location / {
   proxy_pass http://gateway;


Most of the time the requests are logged as expected:

03/Feb/2016:04:00:25 +0100 “/api/v1/login” 200 52 “Jersey/2.7
(HttpUrlConnection 1.8.0_51)” “time=0.192” “”
03/Feb/2016:04:00:25 +0100 “/api/v1/login” 200 52 “Jersey/2.7
(HttpUrlConnection 1.8.0_51)” “time=0.192” “”

But randomly this happens:

03/Feb/2016:04:00:25 +0100 “/api/v1/login” 502 52 “Jersey/2.7
(HttpUrlConnection 1.8.0_51)” “time=0.192” “”

As you can see, it uses the server group name as the upstream target
fails of course since this is not a valid host).

What could be the cause of this behaviour?

All the best,

Posted at Nginx Forum:


On Fri, Feb 05, 2016 at 06:26:28AM -0500, abauer wrote:

We are using nginx as a loadbalancer in front of docker containers. Most of
the time this works without problems. But sometimes (~0.1% of the requests)
the requests are sent to the server group name instead of one of the members
of the servergroup.


But randomly this happens:

03/Feb/2016:04:00:25 +0100 “/api/v1/login” 502 52 “Jersey/2.7
(HttpUrlConnection 1.8.0_51)” “time=0.192” “”

As you can see, it uses the server group name as the upstream target (which
fails of course since this is not a valid host).

What could be the cause of this behaviour?

Upstream name can be seen in the $upstream_addr variable if nginx
wasn’t able to select an upstream server to connect to because all
servers were down as per max_fails/fail_timeout. At the same time
the “no live upstreams” error is logged to the error log.

Maxim D.

Thank you, that would explain the message. Ill check why the upstream
servers might not have been reachable.

All the best,

Posted at Nginx Forum: