x = ‘hello’
y = ‘#{x} world’
desired result = ‘hello world’
Please note that variable y has the string interpolation code under
single quotes.
I have these two values x and y. And with that I need to get to the
desired result. Any suggestion on how to do that.
I tried eval y but that won’t work because world is not a variable.
On Jan 16, 10:41 am, Raj S. removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:
I tried eval y but that won’t work because world is not a variable.
Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
z = ‘"’ + y + ‘"’
zz = eval z
On Jan 16, 2009, at 10:41 AM, Raj S. wrote:
x = ‘hello’
y = ‘#{x} world’
desired result = ‘hello world’
This might not be exactly what you were asking for but might be
helpful none the less:
x = ‘hello’
lazy = lambda {"#{x} world"}
result = lazy.call
result = lazy[]
or maybe even…
def lazy.to_s
puts lazy # hello world
x = ‘goodbye’
puts lazy # goodbye world