Stub().and_raise() ain't raising?

I have two blocks of tests: one for testing positive outcomes and one
for testing negative. After poking around, I’ve concluded that the
underlying :verify_credentials method is getting called, despite the

describe ‘electricity credentials’ do
before(:each) do
@wizard.electricity_service = MeteredService::Base.create!()

  it 'with valid credentials should spawn external loader' do

  it 'with invalid credentials should not spawn external loader' do

can do’)


Am I missing something fundamental about .stub()?

  • ff

On Jan 12, 2012, at 5:32 PM, Fearless F. wrote:

 it 'with valid credentials should spawn external loader' do

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rspec-users mailing list
[email protected]

What are the failed expectations? Just paste it.

Are you sure that @wizard.electricity_service is returning the same
object on each call? If a database call is being made, there’s a good
chance it is returning a different object (which has not mocks).

On 13 January 2012 05:18, Fearless F. [email protected] wrote:

 received: 0 times

class Wizard < ActiveRecord::Base
def electricity_service
premise.metered_services.where(:natural_resource_id =>

I think your tests are telling you to refactor your code. the
premise.metered_services.where is breaking the law of demeter. This
makes it hard to stub/mock. I’d also question the naming of the Wizard
class. One thing to consider doing is running the tests with the
pretty output and reading it.

So why should Wizard#electricity_service spawn an external loader? Why
should a Wizard have an electricity service etc.

There ia a tendency when writing specs, to focus on getting the spec
to pass, and doing complicated things to make this happen. But really
its much more important to listen to the tests to make things clear
and simple.

In this case perhaps there is an ElectricityService class asking to be



It seems obvious now that you point it out. So in rspec-land, what’s
the stylistically appropriate way to test this? Stub .any_class()?

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rspec-users mailing list
[email protected]

Justin Ko wrote in post #1040632:

What are the failed expectations? Just paste it.

You’ve identified the problem (see below), but to answer your question:

  1. Wizard electricity credentials with valid credentials should spawn
    external loader
    Failure/Error: @wizard.electricity_loader.should_receive(:start)
    (#Wizard::ElectricityLoader:0x000001029bc140).start(any args)
    expected: 1 time
    received: 0 times

    ./spec/models/wizard_spec.rb:181:in `block (4 levels) in <top


Are you sure that @wizard.electricity_service is returning the same
object on each call? If a database call is being made, there’s a good
chance it is returning a different object (which has not mocks).

Ah! I think that’s the culprit – @wizard.electricity_service invokes a
db call:

class Wizard < ActiveRecord::Base
def electricity_service
premise.metered_services.where(:natural_resource_id =>

It seems obvious now that you point it out. So in rspec-land, what’s
the stylistically appropriate way to test this? Stub .any_class()?