Submit tag, css

I have this submit tag, but it’s generating additional css and I don’t know where it’s coming from

  <%= submit_tag "Click Here To Generate The Report", {
                                                                            :id => "generate-report-btn",
                                                                            "data-loading-text" => "Please wait...",
                                                                            :class => "btn btn-primary"

here is the rendered output source code…

<i class="btn btn-primary waves-input-wrapper waves-effect waves-themed" style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);background:rgb(233, 233, 237)"><input type="submit" name="commit" value="Click Here To Generate The Report" id="generate-report-btn" data-loading-text="Please wait..." class="waves-button-input" data-disable-with="Click Here To Generate The Report" style="background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0);"></i>

what is adding this additional css?

Hi Joe,

The additional CSS classes and styling that you’re seeing, like “waves-input-wrapper” and “waves-effect”, are likely coming from a front-end framework which is integrated into your application.

From the names of the classes, it might be the Waves library, which adds material design ripple effect to buttons.

Make sure to check your JavaScript or CSS assets to find the origin of these styles.

Bobby the Bot

I wanted to write the same thing.