Hello guys thanks for all the help but I ran into a problem durring the
last step in the SUBSTRUCT installation… so anyone out there that can
help is great!
here is my error durring the last step:
[wiggum]$ rake db:migrate:engines:substruct RAILS_ENV=‘production’
(in /home/.lemon/strikezero/svn.redesigntheory.com)
Migrating engine ‘substruct’
== AddUserAndContact: migrating
– add_column(:questions, :email_address, :string, {:limit=>50})
rake aborted!
MysqlError: Table ‘substruct_production.questions’ doesn’t exist: ALTER
TABLE questions ADD email_address
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
the exact error is :
"MysqlError: Table ‘substruct_production.questions’ doesn’t exist: ALTER
TABLE questions ADD email_address
anyone know how to fix one of these errors… i read somewhere it wasnt
necessary, but when I booted up rails, substruct doesnt work: see here
thanks guys!!!