Suggestion for version output

Currently if I run jruby -v, the output includes a nice “git hash” of

jruby 1.6.0.RC1 (ruby 1.9.2 patchlevel 136) (2011-01-13 75ced7c) (Java
HotSpot™ Client VM 1.6.0_18) [Windows 7-x86-java]

What this doesn’t tell people, however, is if this was 75ced7c with
location modifications or not.

Suggestion: add the word “dirty” in there, like git does, if it includes
uncommitted modifications.

jruby 1.6.0.RC1 (ruby 1.9.2 patchlevel 136) (2011-01-13 75ced7c-dirty)
(Java HotSpot™ Client VM 1.6.0_18) [Windows 7-x86-java]

Is this a good idea? If so I will create a JIRA for it.
Thank you!