Just wanted to let you know super_stamper 0.0.5 is now fresh on
Rubygems.org. It organizes your comment headers and allows you to put
company name, copyright information and other stuff at the top of all
your source files.
How it works:
- create a new file, header.txt
- write a message in it
- run super_stamper and optionally, magic_encoding (installing both
gems is recommended)
$ super_stamper -q && magic_encoding
The -q flag adds a nice quote from the http://www.bash.org Top 200
QDB. Example listed below.
-- encoding : utf-8 --
– begin header –
super_stamper, a nifty tool that puts headers in all your source
It does exactly what you see here: a header.txt file is pasted into
every .rb file.
Also, some random quotes can be added just for kicks.
Protip: also install the magic_encoding gem alongside to use it like
$ super_stamper -q && magic_encoding
(c) 2012 Commander J.
Licensed under the MIT license
# Is there anyway I can tell the world I’m an idiot?
# Of course, just type your name, where you live and your
# Kk
# I am Mark Duval of Belgium, and I am an idiot
# ?
# Now what?
# Don’t worry. It’s done
– end header –
All the best,