Eclipse automatically creates a task list when you write comments like
this in your ruby code.
TODO: fix this
The task list is supposed to be updated when the file is saved, but for
me it is only updated when Eclipse loads. Am i missing something?
I am using Eclipse 3.1.1 and RDT 0.8.0.
2006/7/7, [email protected] [email protected]:
Eclipse automatically creates a task list when you write comments like
this in your ruby code.
TODO: fix this
The task list is supposed to be updated when the file is saved, but for
me it is only updated when Eclipse loads. Am i missing something?
Are you sure that it’s not
@todo: fix this
I am using Eclipse 3.1.1 and RDT 0.8.0.
I don’t have my eclipse handy so I can’t check. Maybe it’s also a
Ruby plugin related issue. Does it work for Java source code?
TODO’s update for me on save. I’m using Eclipse 3.1.2 and RDT 0.7. Maybe
update Eclipse…
Apparently this bug has been reported before to Eclipse, but their
developers have not been able to reproduce it and have closed the bug
report without making a code change.