Tengine-2.1.1 released

Hi folks,

We are very excited to announce that Tengine-2.1.1 (stable version) has
been released. You can either checkout the source code from GitHub:
GitHub - alibaba/tengine: A distribution of Nginx with some advanced features or download the tarball directly:

This release provided module dyups to support for
upstreams without reload
(ngx_http_dyups_module - The Tengine Web Server

The full changelog is as follows:

*) Feature: support for dynamic upstream update. (yzprofile)

*) Feature: enchanced ngx_http_reqstat_module. (cfsego)

*) Feature: added ssl_verify_client_exception directive. (InfoHunter)

*) Change: reduced memory usage while parsing configuration. (ilexshen)

*) Change: added $trim_bytes and $trim_original_bytes. (taoyuanyuan)

*) Change: upgrade debian package to 2.1.1. (PeterDaveHello)

*) Change: support for auto compile for ngx_http_spdy_module. (chobits)

*) Change: updated SPDY/3.1. (chobits)

*) Change: disabled ‘proxy_request_buffering’ for SPDY. (chobits)

*) Change: added configue options to support set linker. (tanguofu)

*) Bugfix: fixed Backport bug of SPDY. (nginx official, ym)

*) Bugfix: fixed compile error with SL. (ym)

*) Bugfix: fixed bug of reuseport. (mnadbobo)

See our website for more details: http://tengine.taobao.org

Have fun!