Testing a Create action to make sure the User is assigned to a new Model

I’m trying to figure out how to test that the current_user does end up
being attached to a new model that is being created which happens to
be an Album.

Here is the Controller code.

def create
@album = current_user.albums.new params[:album]
if @album.save
flash[:notice] = “The album was saved successfully.”
redirect_to @album
render :action => :new

and here is a quick overview of how i have been testing so far.

before(:each) do
@album = mock_model(Album, :save => nil)

describe “authenticated user” do

before(:each) do
  UserSession.create Factory.build(:valid_user)

it "should build new album" do
  Album.should_receive(:new).with("title" => "album title",

“description” => “album description”).and_return(@album)
post :create, :album => {“title” => “album title”, “description”
=> “album description”}

it "should save the album" do
  post :create


How would i test to make sure that on the save “user_id” is present
and matches the logged in user?

Thanks for any help.


On 28 Jun 2009, at 11:33, Michael wrote:

 redirect_to @album

“description” => “album description”).and_return(@album)

How would i test to make sure that on the save “user_id” is present
and matches the logged in user?

From the code you’ve shown us, it looks as though you need to spec
the view, since I presume that’s where the params[:album] which may or
may not contain this user_id is built. The controller is just passing
these params directly to the model’s constructor, so it doesn’t really
seem to have much of a part to play as regards this specific field.

This might be a case where you’ll get more value from a full-stack
Cucumber acceptance test.

Matt W.

+447974 430184