in the railscast episode 71, Ryan uses in a test be_new_record.
Running tests with be_new_record causes a NameError: undefined local
variable or method.
The episode isn’t on git and I didn’t find the code. I installed rspec
and mocha, but didn’t find on google the origin of this function. Is
this just a self implemented helper function or is it a function out
of a testing framework? Which one?
Rspec has a really cool feature where, if you assert that something
should be_something_else it’ll assume there’s a method called
So for example;
Suppose you had a model called Sushi.
In your spec you could write:
describe Sushi do
it “should be awesome”
@sushi.should be_awesome
This will assume there is a method called awesome? available to @sushi
and will call it and expect it to return true.
ActiveRecord::Base, which all of your models will inherit from has a
method called “new_record?”.
By using “@model.should be_new_record” or “@model.should
be_a_new_record” you’re essentially saying that the new_record? method
should be called and should return true.
If you’re getting a NoMethod error specifically on “be_a_new_record”
then you might want to ensure you have the latest versions of rspec
and rspec-rails.
Hope that helps?
If you’re getting a NoMethod error specifically on “be_a_new_record”
then you might want to ensure you have the latest versions of rspec
and rspec-rails.
Hmm. Actually I got this error, but I have installed rspec and rspec-
rails and put it to the config/environments/test with the following
config.gem “rspec”, :lib => false, :version => “>= 1.2.0”
config.gem “rspec-rails”, :lib => false, :version => “>= 1.2.0”
config.gem “mocha”
be_new_record is a function of rspec?