I’m interested in contributing more to Radiant, but I’m a bit confused
about how to get my test environment fully functional.
2. Get Radiant ready for patching:
it says “Setup your environment in a way to be able to run the unit
tests”. . .
Can any of you give an overview of how to set up a git-cloned Radiant to
be able to run tests fully?
On May 6, 2008, at 9:18 PM, Daniel Collis-puro wrote:
tests". . .
Can any of you give an overview of how to set up a git-cloned
Radiant to
be able to run tests fully?
It’s pretty simple. You just have to get radiant to a point where it
will run. (e.g. configure the database and run the migrations) Then,
the specs should run with rake spec
Matt Freels
[email protected]
You’ll need to setup config/database.yml, then bootstrap your
development database and prepare the test database. I like to symlink
the sqlite3 example config like so:
$ cd config; ln -s database.sqlite.yml database.yml
$ rake db:bootstrap
$ rake db:test:prepare
Then run ‘rake spec’ or ‘autotest’ to run the behavior examples.
This is very helpful - thanks, both of you. I knew it would be simple, I
just didn’t know the magical incantations.