Text search engine?

Hi there,

What are you using for text search engine in your rails applications ?
I have been using simple search for simple applications, but then I
need to search text in model instances inside collections such as
user.documents and the like. I believe that simple search does not
support any sort of ranged queries, and sql like might be overkill for
tables with lots of records.



Hi Sergi,

On 21.12.2005, at 14.17, sergi borras wrote:

Hi there,

What are you using for text search engine in your rails applications ?
I have been using simple search for simple applications, but then I
need to search text in model instances inside collections such as
user.documents and the like. I believe that simple search does not
support any sort of ranged queries, and sql like might be overkill for
tables with lots of records.

Why not give Ferret [1] a whirl?


[1] http://ferret.davebalmain.com/trac

ferret is just awesom-o

You can try Ferret and you can try my ActiveSearch.
I am integrating Ferret but before I resolve some issues (which I
don’t have time for right now, including a Unicode-aware tokenizer)
it’s nowhere near complete.


On 21-dec-2005, at 13:44, Onur T. wrote:

ferret is just awesom-o

Julian ‘Julik’ Tarkhanov
me at julik.nl


We are using Ferret in agora project http://stage.budapestagora.com/ and
are happy with it.

Except probably that ferret sometimes is painfully slow. But I believe
David will make miracle with cferret project and ferret will be

Anyway I suggest you to check Ferret project
http://ferret.davebalmain.com/trac/wiki. It is the best what we have

On 12/21/05, Onur T. [email protected] wrote:


anatol (http://pomozov.info)

While ferret is cool, very cool… I’m not using it… And as soon as it’s
c-bindings start to deliver some speed i’ll surely try using it.

In the mean time, and to my own surprise, using rjb
(http://arton.no-ip.info/collabo/backyard/?RubyJavaBridge) to interact
with lucene works like a charm. (To get this bitch working on windows,
you have to hack a bit to disable it’s build-in iconv functionality.
Also only use java Objects and other simple types, that’s of type Object
or string, int, etc., in the java function you proxy you can cast them
to what they really are, otherwise the interface doesn’t seem to work)