TextFilter error

Before I went to put in an api key and give that a whirl I move from
migration 49 to 50 through gems and on restart of services when I
pull admin or pull an article I get these errors.

Did TextFilter’s handling change?

ActionView::TemplateError (uninitialized constant TextFilter) on line
#12 of app/views/articles/read.rhtml:
9: <% end -%>
10: dc:title="<%=h @article.title.gsub(/-+/, ‘-’) %>"
11: dc:identifier="<%= article_url(@article, false) %>"
12: dc:description="<%=h strip_html(@article.full_html
[0…255]).gsub(/-+/, ‘-’) %>"
13: dc:creator="<%= h @article.author %>"
14: dc:date="<%= @article.updated_at.xmlschema %>" />
15: </rdf:RDF>

ActionView::TemplateError (uninitialized constant
Admin::BaseHelper::TextFilter) on line #125 of app/views/admin/

Typo supports a number of text filtering
options. To add new filters, see the “filters” tab on the toolbar


125: <%= options_for_select text_filter_options,
TextFilter.find_by_name(this_blog.text_filter) %>
127: Article filter


I’m not having much luck figuring this out on my own. I’ve searched the
archives and those with this problem (or similar) don’t seem to post
they do to fix it, or they’ve left typo. Anyone got a clue?


I’ve hit this before, I think.

Just go to your admin console and make sure you have a default
textfilter defined in your settings page. Sometimes this doesn’t get
defined by default. I have no idea why, but IIRC there’s a ticket
for it in trac.