I’m a newbie to web app development, MySQL, etc. and am giving Rails a
try via InstantRails 1.4 on a Windows XP SP2 platform.
I’ve created my database and tables etc. and, following the tutorial
located at Radar – O’Reilly
ruby-on-rails-revisited.html?page=1 I run the following command:
ruby script\generate scaffold caseinfo caseinfo
and I get:
F:\InstantRails\rails_apps\pidb1_development>ruby script\generate
scaffold casei
nfo caseinfo
exists app/controllers/
exists app/helpers/
exists app/views/caseinfo
exists test/functional/
dependency model
exists app/models/
exists test/unit/
exists test/fixtures/
identical app/models/caseinfo.rb
identical test/unit/caseinfo_test.rb
identical test/fixtures/caseinfos.yml
error Before updating scaffolding from new DB schema, try
creating a tab
le for your model (Caseinfo)
I get the same error when trying to generte the scaffolds for any
other existing table.
Here’s the SQL script I wrote to generate the tables and fields. It
runs OK, everything’s there, and I can connect to the database as root
from the command line:
drop table if exists initcontact;
drop table if exists followups;
drop table if exists interview;
drop table if exists research;
drop table if exists baselines;
drop table if exists evidence;
drop table if exists summary;
drop table if exists caseinfo;
create table caseinfo (
id int not null auto_increment,
name varchar(100) not null default ‘’,
description text null,
primary key(id)
) engine=InnoDB;
create table initcontact (
id int not null auto_increment,
initcontact_id int not null,
sentfrom varchar(100) not null default ‘’,
date date null,
address varchar(100) not null default ‘’,
phone varchar(15) not null default ‘’,
email varchar(100) not null default ‘’,
details mediumtext null,
replyfrom varchar(100) not null default ‘’,
replydate date null,
replydetails mediumtext null,
constraint fk_caseinfo_initcontact foreign key (initcontact_id)
primary key(id)
) engine=InnoDB;
create table followups (
id int not null auto_increment,
followups_id int not null,
fu1from varchar(100) not null default ‘’,
fu1date date null,
fu1details mediumtext null,
fu1replyfrom varchar(100) not null default ‘’,
fu1replydate date null,
fu1replydetails mediumtext null,
fu2from varchar(100) not null default ‘’,
fu2date date null,
fu2details mediumtext null,
fu2replyfrom varchar(100) not null default ‘’,
fu2replydate date null,
fu2replydetails mediumtext null,
fu3from varchar(100) not null default ‘’,
fu3date date null,
fu3details mediumtext null,
fu3replyfrom varchar(100) not null default ‘’,
fu3replydate date null,
fu3replydetails mediumtext null,
fu4from varchar(100) not null default ‘’,
fu4date date null,
fu4details mediumtext null,
fu4replyfrom varchar(100) not null default ‘’,
fu4replydate date null,
fu4replydetails mediumtext null,
fu5from varchar(100) not null default ‘’,
fu5date date null,
fu5details mediumtext null,
fu5replyfrom varchar(100) not null default ‘’,
fu5replydate date null,
fu5replydetails mediumtext null,
fu6from varchar(100) not null default ‘’,
fu6date date null,
fu6details mediumtext null,
fu6replyfrom varchar(100) not null default ‘’,
fu6replydate date null,
fu6replydetails mediumtext null,
constraint fk_caseinfo_followups foreign key (followups_id)
primary key(id)
) engine=InnoDB;
create table interview (
id int not null auto_increment,
interview_id int not null,
date date null,
starttime time null,
conductedby varchar(100) not null default ‘’,
interviewees mediumtext null,
location text null,
sensitivity text null,
priorbelief varchar(100) not null default ‘’,
priorexperiences mediumtext null,
recentdeath mediumtext null,
recenttrauma mediumtext null,
occult mediumtext null,
religious mediumtext null,
details mediumtext null,
endtime time null,
investigationwarranted varchar(100) not null default ‘’,
constraint fk_caseinfo_interview foreign key (interview_id)
primary key(id)
) engine=InnoDB;
create table research (
id int not null auto_increment,
research_id int not null,
doneby varchar(100) not null default ‘’,
siteaddress text null,
areainfo text null,
siteage varchar(100) not null default ‘’,
sitehistory mediumtext null,
siteenvironment mediumtext null,
sitecomments mediumtext null,
constraint fk_caseinfo_research foreign key (research_id)
primary key(id)
) engine=InnoDB;
create table baselines (
id int not null auto_increment,
baselines_id int not null,
permission varchar(10) not null default ‘’,
date date null,
starttime time null,
members mediumtext null,
witnesses mediumtext null,
pets mediumtext null,
weather mediumtext null,
solar varchar(50) not null default ‘’,
geomagnetic varchar(50) not null default ‘’,
moonphase varchar(50) not null default ‘’,
equipment mediumtext null,
baseemf mediumtext null,
basetemp mediumtext null,
baseambient mediumtext null,
baseother mediumtext null,
constraint fk_caseinfo_baselines foreign key (baselines_id)
primary key(id)
) engine=InnoDB;
create table evidence (
id int not null
evidence_id int not null,
audiovisual mediumtext null,
phystactile mediumtext null,
photographic mediumtext null,
video mediumtext null,
emf mediumtext null,
tempanomalies mediumtext null,
elecanomalies mediumtext null,
evp mediumtext null,
psychicimpress mediumtext null,
triggerused varchar(15) not null default
triggerdetails mediumtext null,
triggermoved varchar(15) not null default
triggermoveddetail mediumtext null,
otheranomalies mediumtext null,
endtime time null,
comments mediumtext null,
constraint fk_caseinfo_evidence foreign key (evidence_id)
primary key(id)
) engine=InnoDB;
create table summary (
id int not null
summary_id int not null,
summary mediumtext null,
haunted varchar(25) not null default
followupinvest varchar(50) not null default
comments mediumtext null,
constraint fk_caseinfo_summary foreign key (summary_id)
primary key(id)
) engine=InnoDB;
I see that lots of others are getting this same error when trying to
generate scaffolds. Any ideas or suggestions?