Hey all,
Thin web server version 0.7.1 (codename Fancy Pants) is out!
== What’s new?
- Clean stale PID files when starting as daemon, fixes #53 [Chu Yeow]
- Require EventMachine 0.11.0 for UNIX domain sockets. Until it’s
released, install from:
gem install eventmachine --source http://code.macournoyer.com - Ruby 1.8.5 compatibility, closes #49 [Wincent C.]
- Move all EventMachine stuff out of Server, you can now create a
Thin Backend that
does not depend on EventMachine. - Rename Connector to Backend. Extend Thin::Backends::Base to
implement your own. - Fix high memory usage with big POST body, fixes #48
== Get it!
Install Thin from RubyForge:
gem install thin
Or using my mirror:
gem install thin --source http://code.macournoyer.com
To use Thin with UNIX domain sockets you need EventMachine 0.11.0 from
my gem server (it’s not released yet):
gem install eventmachine --source http://code.macournoyer.com
== Contribute
Site: http://code.macournoyer.com/thin/
Group: http://groups.google.com/group/thin-ruby/topics
Bugs: Overview - Thin - thin
Code: GitHub - macournoyer/thin: A very fast & simple Ruby web server
IRC: thin on freenode
Thanks to all the people who contributed to Thin, EventMachine, Rack
and Mongrel.
Marc-Andre Cournoyer